The Nov/Dec 2023 issue of The Scottish Rite Journal featured an article on age restrictions imposed by the Fraternity. 

In the article by Erik Ryan of the Valley of Susquehanna, MD, he argues that mental clarity, rather than age, is the issue with our elder Brothers.  The life experience and perspective of such Brethren is generally understood to be an asset to the Fraternity. I’ve never actually heard of a Lodge turning away a candidate simply based upon numerical age. Rather, it is uncommon for older gentlemen with their wits about them to join the Fraternity.

Re young men in the Lodge, at some point, the Fraternity decided our numbers would increase by decreasing the age required for initiation. But then we rarely followed up. Many of these young men struggled to understand the Fraternity and assimilate into the Lodge, where they might sit next to someone their grandfather’s age.

What is needed to take on these younger Brothers?  Between the ages of 18 and 21, is when a man needs the Fraternity the most. These young men need big brothers to show them boundaries, help them understand unspoken customs, and to know who the players are.  We need to work harderd to retain and develop these Brothers, so we can faciliate a path to the East, or at least keep them around.

Every Lodge should have such a mentoring program, and I believe it should be separate from other Masonic education. This will help Lodges experience less drama, and lead new Brothers successfully.

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